Esto se debe a un problema con CentOS y la instalacion de Xen, el encontrarse dos o mas maquinas con Dom0 en la misma red. Supongamos que el equipo A recibe broadcast del equipo B, y este ve que esta recibiendo un paquete con su misma mac address (o algo asi, la verdad no entendi bien, no estudie ccna (?!!?!?))vif 0.0: received packet with own address as source address
Buscando y buscando encontre la solucion gracias a un tal Cyrus Katrak, asi que los creditos son para el.
se debe reemplazar el archivo /etc/xen/scripts/network-bridge por el siguiente
# Default Xen network start/stop script.
# Xend calls a network script when it starts.
# The script name to use is defined in /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp
# in the network-script field.
# This script creates a bridge (default xenbr${vifnum}), adds a device
# (default eth${vifnum}) to it, copies the IP addresses from the device
# to the bridge and adjusts the routes accordingly.
# If all goes well, this should ensure that networking stays up.
# However, some configurations are upset by this, especially
# NFS roots. If the bridged setup does not meet your needs,
# configure a different script, for example using routing instead.
# Usage:
# network-bridge (start|stop|status) {VAR=VAL}*
# Vars:
# vifnum Virtual device number to use (default 0). Numbers >=8
# require the netback driver to have nloopbacks set to a
# higher value than its default of 8.
# bridge The bridge to use (default xenbr${vifnum}).
# netdev The interface to add to the bridge (default eth${vifnum}).
# antispoof Whether to use iptables to prevent spoofing (default no).
# Internal Vars:
# pdev="p${netdev}"
# vdev="veth${vifnum}"
# vif0="vif0.${vifnum}"
# start:
# Creates the bridge
# Copies the IP and MAC addresses from netdev to vdev
# Renames netdev to be pdev
# Renames vdev to be netdev
# Enslaves pdev, vdev to bridge
# stop:
# Removes netdev from the bridge
# Transfers addresses, routes from netdev to pdev
# Renames netdev to vdev
# Renames pdev to netdev
# Deletes bridge
# status:
# Print addresses, interfaces, routes
#macid is used to uniquely identify this dom0 on this network
#change this to avoid MAC address conflicts if you get:
#"peth0: received packet with own address as source address"
dir=$(dirname "$0")
. "$dir/"
. "$dir/"
findCommand "$@"
evalVariables "$@"
vifnum=${vifnum:-$(ip route list | awk '/^default / { print $NF }' | sed 's/^[^0-9]*//')}
get_ip_info() {
addr_pfx=`ip addr show dev $1 | egrep '^ *inet' | sed -e 's/ *inet //' -e 's/ .*//'`
gateway=`ip route show dev $1 | fgrep default | sed 's/default via //'`
do_ifup() {
if ! ifup $1 ; then
if [ ${addr_pfx} ] ; then
# use the info from get_ip_info()
ip addr flush $1
ip addr add ${addr_pfx} dev $1
ip link set dev $1 up
[ ${gateway} ] && ip route add default via ${gateway}
# Usage: transfer_addrs src dst
# Copy all IP addresses (including aliases) from device $src to device $dst.
transfer_addrs () {
local src=$1
local dst=$2
# Don't bother if $dst already has IP addresses.
if ip addr show dev ${dst} | egrep -q '^ *inet ' ; then
# Address lines start with 'inet' and have the device in them.
# Replace 'inet' with 'ip addr add' and change the device name $src
# to 'dev $src'.
ip addr show dev ${src} | egrep '^ *inet ' | sed -e "
s/inet/ip addr add/
s/${src}/dev ${dst}/
" | sh -e
# Remove automatic routes on destination device
ip route list | sed -ne "
/dev ${dst}\( \|$\)/ {
s/^/ip route del /
}" | sh -e
# Usage: transfer_routes src dst
# Get all IP routes to device $src, delete them, and
# add the same routes to device $dst.
# The original routes have to be deleted, otherwise adding them
# for $dst fails (duplicate routes).
transfer_routes () {
local src=$1
local dst=$2
# List all routes and grep the ones with $src in.
# Stick 'ip route del' on the front to delete.
# Change $src to $dst and use 'ip route add' to add.
ip route list | sed -ne "
/dev ${src}\( \|$\)/ {
s/^/ip route del /
s/^/ip route add /
}" | sh -e
Reiniciar el equipo y listo, solucionado!