miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Solucionando error en Xen "received packet with own address as source address"

Hola ciberamigos... hoy me encontre con un problema un poco extraño en dos de mis VM en Xen. Un error que decia asi:

vif 0.0: received packet with own address as source address

Esto se debe a un problema con CentOS y la instalacion de Xen, el encontrarse dos o mas maquinas con Dom0 en la misma red. Supongamos que el equipo A recibe broadcast del equipo B, y este ve que esta recibiendo un paquete con su misma mac address (o algo asi, la verdad no entendi bien, no estudie ccna (?!!?!?))

Buscando y buscando encontre la solucion gracias a un tal Cyrus Katrak, asi que los creditos son para el.

se debe reemplazar el archivo /etc/xen/scripts/network-bridge por el siguiente

# Default Xen network start/stop script.
# Xend calls a network script when it starts.
# The script name to use is defined in /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp
# in the network-script field.
# This script creates a bridge (default xenbr${vifnum}), adds a device
# (default eth${vifnum}) to it, copies the IP addresses from the device
# to the bridge and adjusts the routes accordingly.
# If all goes well, this should ensure that networking stays up.
# However, some configurations are upset by this, especially
# NFS roots. If the bridged setup does not meet your needs,
# configure a different script, for example using routing instead.
# Usage:
# network-bridge (start|stop|status) {VAR=VAL}*
# Vars:
# vifnum Virtual device number to use (default 0). Numbers >=8
# require the netback driver to have nloopbacks set to a
# higher value than its default of 8.
# bridge The bridge to use (default xenbr${vifnum}).
# netdev The interface to add to the bridge (default eth${vifnum}).
# antispoof Whether to use iptables to prevent spoofing (default no).
# Internal Vars:
# pdev="p${netdev}"
# vdev="veth${vifnum}"
# vif0="vif0.${vifnum}"
# start:
# Creates the bridge
# Copies the IP and MAC addresses from netdev to vdev
# Renames netdev to be pdev
# Renames vdev to be netdev
# Enslaves pdev, vdev to bridge
# stop:
# Removes netdev from the bridge
# Transfers addresses, routes from netdev to pdev
# Renames netdev to vdev
# Renames pdev to netdev
# Deletes bridge
# status:
# Print addresses, interfaces, routes

#macid is used to uniquely identify this dom0 on this network
#change this to avoid MAC address conflicts if you get:
#"peth0: received packet with own address as source address"

dir=$(dirname "$0")
. "$dir/xen-script-common.sh"
. "$dir/xen-network-common.sh"

findCommand "$@"
evalVariables "$@"

vifnum=${vifnum:-$(ip route list | awk '/^default / { print $NF }' | sed 's/^[^0-9]*//')}


get_ip_info() {
addr_pfx=`ip addr show dev $1 | egrep '^ *inet' | sed -e 's/ *inet //' -e 's/ .*//'`
gateway=`ip route show dev $1 | fgrep default | sed 's/default via //'`

do_ifup() {
if ! ifup $1 ; then
if [ ${addr_pfx} ] ; then
# use the info from get_ip_info()
ip addr flush $1
ip addr add ${addr_pfx} dev $1
ip link set dev $1 up
[ ${gateway} ] && ip route add default via ${gateway}

# Usage: transfer_addrs src dst
# Copy all IP addresses (including aliases) from device $src to device $dst.
transfer_addrs () {
local src=$1
local dst=$2
# Don't bother if $dst already has IP addresses.
if ip addr show dev ${dst} | egrep -q '^ *inet ' ; then
# Address lines start with 'inet' and have the device in them.
# Replace 'inet' with 'ip addr add' and change the device name $src
# to 'dev $src'.
ip addr show dev ${src} | egrep '^ *inet ' | sed -e "
s/inet/ip addr add/
s/${src}/dev ${dst}/
" | sh -e
# Remove automatic routes on destination device
ip route list | sed -ne "
/dev ${dst}\( \|$\)/ {
s/^/ip route del /
}" | sh -e

# Usage: transfer_routes src dst
# Get all IP routes to device $src, delete them, and
# add the same routes to device $dst.
# The original routes have to be deleted, otherwise adding them
# for $dst fails (duplicate routes).
transfer_routes () {
local src=$1
local dst=$2
# List all routes and grep the ones with $src in.
# Stick 'ip route del' on the front to delete.
# Change $src to $dst and use 'ip route add' to add.
ip route list | sed -ne "
/dev ${src}\( \|$\)/ {
s/^/ip route del /
s/^/ip route add /
}" | sh -e


Reiniciar el equipo y listo, solucionado!

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